Laundry Love Cincinnati partners with local laundromats in Cincinnati, to open its doors to low-income families, students, individuals and the house-less to do their laundry for free!

All Laundry fees and supplies are paid for through generous donations. Volunteers will assist with laundry services, watch after children, and create an inclusive, caring space for all guests.

We currently have 3 event days per month. We serve the Westwood Community every 2nd Wednesday of the month from 6pm-8pm at Super Laundry on Harrison Ave., Walnut Hills community every 3rd Saturday from 10am-12pm at the City Limits Laundromat on Kemper Ave., and the City Limits Laundry in Clifton every 4th Wednesday of the month from 6pm-8pm.

Email for more information or call 513-815-6718.

❤️Limits placed on load amounts in order to serve as many people as possible. An individual may wash up to 2 loads of laundry. A family may wash up to 4 loads of laundry. Laundry will be weighed and load sizes will be determined by the LL coordinators

❤️Only one sign-in per family.

❤️Guests must remain present.

❤️Our events are on a first come, first serve basis. We hope to serve as many people as we can by stretching our resources as far as possible.